
Miss Hosting

Framgångssaga från en av våra nöjda kunder! – ROI.

2021-11-02 — by Elin Persson


ROI grundades 2017 i Sverige med ambitionen att bli den självklara partnern av leadsgenerering i Europa.

ROI såg ett hål i marknaden där många företag valde att fokusera på att leverera fler förfrågningar, men där det helt saknades alternativ som istället fokuserade på att leverera rätt typ av förfrågningar.

Målaren kunde få en förfrågan om att byta en dörr när man egentligen ville måla om en hel husfasad. Där ville ROI komma in, med en tydlig ambition om att enbart leverera dem jobben som våra samarbetspartners faktiskt ville ha. Med en mindre volym av förfrågningar fast med desto större kvalité.

ROI äger bland annat Privatlå som är byggt för att hjälpa privatpersoner som vill låna pengar. ROI äger också Företagslå som riktar sig mot företag som vill hitta bästa leverantören för att låna pengar.

Nu väljer ROI att flytta hela sin verksamhet till Miss Hosting.

Varför valde ni att flytta till Miss Hosting?
Vi valde att flytta till Miss Hosting för att vi fick ett bättre pris som även gav oss fler möjligheter inom hosting för våra sajter. Vi valde Miss Hosting just för att vi får mer kraft på den nya servern.

Hur har ni upplevt samarbetet med Miss Hosting?
Bara bra och positiv. Alltid bra support som gör det lilla extra för kunden, vi tackar för det!

Vilka tjänster använder ni hos Miss Hosting idag?
Vi använder idag både webbhotell och hantering av våra domäner via Miss Hosting just för att vi vill samla allt på ett och samma ställe.

På vilket sätt har ni upplevt en förbättring sedan ni flyttat till Miss Hosting?
Vi har snabbare laddningstider av våra sajter vilket är väldigt viktigt när vi har en hel del trafik till våra sajter.

Skulle ni rekommendera andra till Miss Hosting?
Självklart vi har redan börjat se över en migrering för våra sajter i Finland, och dessutom enkelt att göra migrering med support och hjälp.

Miss GroupMiss Hosting

10 Content Marketing Mistakes That The Amateurs Make

2019-08-13 — by Alisha Shibli

Rome was not built in a day”. Neither was content marketing.

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Creating blog posts, relevant audio-visual content, optimizing for SEO, building the domain authority and, posting on various social media handles sure takes a lot of effort; persistent effort. There are no quick rewards.

Consistently putting up good content builds credibility, trust and ultimately followers over time. In the words of Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder, Orbit Media, “It’s not the best content that wins. It’s the best promoted content”.

Today, we have multiple tools that aid content promotion; sometimes even with the help of a few clicks. However, content marketing can be deceptive. As simple as it seems, early entrepreneurs generally oversee the benefits of a well-defined marketing strategy. Those mistakes might not interfere with your progress today but they can have rough consequences in the long run.

So what are some common content marketing mistakes that amateurs are making?


Final thoughts

Being cognizant of these mistakes will ensure better quality posts. Of course, taking care of just these won’t be enough to guarantee increased traffic, better rankings and higher sales. However, these initial steps will ensure a strong content foundation which will eventually lead to better SEO optimization and Domain authority. In the words of Andy Crestodina, “Don’t take shortcuts. They take too long”.

Miss DomainMiss Hosting

Kundcase! Intervju med – Netleads AB

2019-04-04 — by Alexandra Linnuste


Internetföretaget Netleads AB har sedan starten 2015 fokuserat på att förvärva och bygga upp användbara sajter främst inom däck och motor. Bland de mest populära sajterna i Netleads utbud finner man Billigasommardäck som listar testvinnande sommardäck samt i vilka butiker man kan köpa dessa till låga onlinepriser. En annan populär sajt är Vinterdä som bland annat förklarar vilka datum som gäller för byte av vinterdäck respektive sommardäck. Trafiken på denna sajt är väldigt säsongsbetonad och går upp vid månadsskiftena november/december samt mars/april i samband med att det blir aktuellt med däckbyte. Kika gärna förbi om du är osäker på när det är dags att byta däck!

Varför valde ni att flytta till Miss Hosting?
Vi kom i kontakt med Miss Hosting för flera år sedan i samband med att vi skulle förvärva en sajt och var i behov av en escrow-tjänst. Vi fick bra hjälp genom escrow-tjänsten på Miss Domain och sedan dess så har vi köpt fler tjänster av Miss Hosting och idag är Miss Hosting vår största leverantör av domän och hostinglösningar.

Hur har ni upplevt samarbetet med Miss Hosting?
Vi upplever att vi alltid får snabb och professionell respons från Miss Hosting om det dyker upp frågor. Dessutom så upplever vi att vi får bra valuta för pengarna.

Vilka tjänster använder ni hos Miss Hosting idag?
Vi har både hosting i form av vps och ett flertal domäner registrerade via Miss Hosting. Utöver detta så levererar Miss Hosting content-sidor med olika IP-nummer mm till oss.

På vilket sätt har ni upplevt en förbättring sedan ni flyttat till Miss Hosting?
Framförallt en bättre kundservice men vi upplever även snabbare hemsidor via Miss Hostings lösningar vilket i slutändan innebär ökade intäkter till oss.

Skulle ni rekommendera andra till Miss Hosting?
Ja, särskilt om du är i behov av bra SEO-tjänster. Inom denna nisch finns det nog ingen bättre leverantör i Sverige i dagsläget.

Miss Hosting

We love low prices – 82% OFF on Web Hosting & Website!

2019-02-11 — by admin


Why don´t you buy something really nice for your loved ones or maybe your own company this Valentine? We just love low prices –  buy Web Hosting & Website for only $0.99 /month, for Web Hosting Basic 12 months. You get 82% discount!  


  • Only new customers. No renewals or upgrades.
  • Prices valid on your first invoice.

Take a look at our lovely prices!

Happy Valentine´s Week!

Buy now

Miss Hosting

Great offer on .NU domains – only $1.09!

2018-12-24 — by admin


We have a great offer on .NU. domains – only $1.09 first year. Original price is $16.99, you save $15.90 when registering a domain before the 30th of December!

Offer terms:

  • This offer is only for new registrations, no renewals.
  • No limits on how many .NU domains you can register.
  • Your order must be paid before the 30th of December at 11.00 PM (CET) or your order will be removed.

Don´t miss our domain deal!

Order your domain now

Miss Hosting


2018-11-26 — by admin


This Monday is a special one! We celebrate Cyber Monday with a great deal for you – 30% off when you order VPS and Dedicated Servers (first year). 

Offer terms:

  • This offer is valid until 27th of November, 11.59 PM (CET).
  • Price is only valid first year
  • Offers are valid for both new and existing customers
  • Existing customers can only upgrade, not downgrade

Enter this code at checkout: cybermonday

Buy now

Miss Hosting

Special offer on .NU domains – only $1.09!

2018-11-12 — by admin


Don’t miss out on our special offer for you right now – .NU domains only $1.09 the first year. Original price is $16.99, you save $15.90 when registering a domain before the 25th of November! See our pricing.

Offer terms:

  • This offer expires at the 25th of November at 11.00 PM
  • This offer is only for new registrations, no renewals
  • No limits on how many .NU domains you can register
  • Your order must be paid before 25th of November at 11.00 PM or your order will be removed

Order your domain now

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our support team on our website.


Miss GroupMiss Hosting

Miss Group acquires Hemsida24 & HEYMO

2018-09-12 — by Alexandra Linnuste


BGF-backed Miss Group has acquired Hemsida24 along with its sub-brand HEYMO. Hemsida24 is an internet-based sitebuilder for websites and e-commerce and has delivered solutions for small and medium-sized businesses in Scandinavia since 2008. The strategic acquisition consolidates Miss Group’s position as one of the leading web hosting provider for SMB companies in Scandinavia.

“I have been following Hemsida24 AB for many years and I am impressed by their organic growth and simple and user friendly sitebuilder. With this acquisition we are adding 14 000 paying customers and now exceeds 80 000 customers in Miss Group. Hemsida24 also contributes with an EBITDA of 1 million Euros” said Mattias Kaneteg, founder and CEO at Miss Group

Ludvig Granberg, Co-founder & CEO at Hemsida24 added: “When we started Hemsida24 ten years ago I could never imagine that we would have more than 14,000 customers and such a great team. To continue to grow from here Hemsida24 and Heymo needs to be part of something bigger and this is where Miss Group comes in. I’m truly impressed with their expertise in marketing, sales and growth and I’m confident that Hemsida24 and Miss Group will continue to grow into something much larger.”

About Miss Group
Founded in 2014, Miss Group is an International Web Hosting Group that offers a range of Hosting related services at favorable prices such as Web Hosting, Domain Registration, VPS, Dedicated Servers, Sitebuilder, SSL-Certificate, SEO Tools, Web Security and Domain Management. Miss Hosting is also an ICANN-accredited Domain Name registrar via NameISP. The company is headquartered in Manchester, UK.

About Hemsida24
Hemsida24 is an internet-based sitebuilder for creating websites and e-commerce. You get professional results while you have full control and can update the website from any computer. Today, more than 14 000 Swedish companies use Hemsida24 and HEYMO’s website tool to build, manage and customize their websites.

High-growth Miss Group, a web hosting company, has received a £6.4m investment from BGF to accelerate its international expansion strategy. The group will use the funding to build further scale through driving organic growth and acquisition of web hosting companies in new and existing markets.

Founded by serial entrepreneur Mattias Kaneteg and headquartered in Manchester, Miss Group provides a range of services predominately to SMEs, including domain registration, site building, website hosting and email management.

Since its launch in 2014, the group has opened more than 70,000 accounts, established offices in Stockholm, Miami and Sofia and have also acquired two businesses in the UK and USA with the assistance of Manchester-based Corporate Financiers, Sedulo. Miss Group now employs more than 50 people globally and has developed a reputation for high quality customer service with a 9.8 rating on TrustPilot.

To further support its buy and build strategy, Miss Group has appointed Phil Male as Non-Executive Chair following an introduction by BGF. Phil is a former Chair of UK2 Group and previously served as Chief Strategy Officer at Cable & Wireless Worldwide. He is also Chair of BGF-backed Virtual1 and has successful built and exited multiple businesses in the technology sector.

Mattias Kaneteg, founder and CEO of Miss Group said: “We have moved at pace to add scale to our platform, improve our market share and increase our global coverage. Now that we have an established model and highly successful marketing campaigns which have generated strong organic growth, we are in a strong position to accelerate our expansion through acquisitions.

“As our minority partner, BGF provides access to a large network both in the UK and internationally and potentially more funding as we expand. We are very much looking forward to working with them.”

Pinesh Mehta, an investor at BGF who will join the Board of Miss Group said: “With a proven track record in building successful businesses, Mattias and his team have quickly scaled Miss Group by attracting and retaining a high volume of customers. This is testament to the group’s model, relationships with customers and partners, and focus on high-quality service.
“Miss Group has a clear and well thought out international growth strategy which they are ready to push ahead with. We’re delighted to be supporting this and to be backing such an ambitious, innovative and professional team.”

The investment in Miss Group was coordinated by Stuart Dutton of Sedulo, and led for BGF by Pinesh Mehta, Rhys Davenport and Neil Inskip who are part of the Manchester-based team covering the North West. The team recently announced investments in the owner and operator of Albert’s Schloss and Rudy’s Neapolitan Pizza, Mission Mars, and digital mapping company Gaist.

About BGF:
BGF is the most active and influential investor in small and mid-sized businesses in the UK, with £2.5bn to support a range of growing companies – early stage, growth stage and quoted – across every region and sector of the economy. In Ireland, BGF has an additional €250m to support Irish SMEs on a similar growth path.

BGF makes long-term equity capital investments in return for a minority stake in the companies it backs. Initial investments are typically between £1m-£10m followed by significant follow-on funding as required. BGF is a minority, non-controlling equity partner with a patient outlook, based on shared long-term goals with the management teams it backs.

With a specialist internal team of over 150 people, combined with an unparalleled international network of business leaders, sector experts, and board-level non-executives, BGF has a unique platform and capability to support growing UK and Irish SMEs. This is further reinforced through dedicated in-house support with Chair and senior executive selection and appointments provide by our Talent Network, now some 5,000 strong.

BGF invests off its own balance sheet allowing it to offer truly flexible investment structures with a mix of equity and loan notes as appropriate. BGF can also provide equity release for existing shareholders, and funding to support acquisitive and organic growth strategies at home and abroad.
Social media: @BGFinvestments